:: Ayamtai ::
Traditional Medicine
and Culture

 Morelos, México

 Amazonía, Ecuador


Retreats, Healings, Ceremonies, Learning and Spiritual Integration

We offer our humble service of Traditional Mexican and Amazonian Medicine: Healings and Sweatlodges Ceremonies, Music, Therapies and SPA, Retreats, Lodging, Integration and Meditation, Excursions in Nature, Archeological Visits in Mexico and with our Shuar family in the Amazon.

 Tepoztlán, Mexico:

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Ceremonial Spaces

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Family Retreats & Lodging

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Sweatlodge - Ceremonial Inipi

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Ancestral Medicine Ceremony

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Tradition & Offering

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Retreats in Mexico and Amazon

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Traditional Therapies & Massages

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Therapeutical SPA.ritual

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Integration and Guidance

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Traditional & Herbal Medicine


Retreats for Healing and Learning:
Ancestral and Plant Medicine in Mexico and the Amazon Jungle

Visit us in Mexico or Travel with us to the Amazon jungle in Ecuador for Ancestral Retreats, Dietas, Healings and Teachings
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Traditions & Teachings Retreat, October 2023, Mexico
Teachings, Workshops & Ceremonies

October 2023: retreat and workshop of Amazonian and Mexican traditions. 8 days, with traditional ceremonies, temazcal, workshops, music, making a hand drum, playing flute. A Mexican elder will take part in this circle, for a limited group size. Lodging and food included.

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2024 Waterfall & Medicine Retreat, Macas, Upper-Amazon, Ecuador
Waterfall, Dieta & Medicine Retreat

March 24 to April 4:  12 day retreat. The Shuar tradition of the sacred waterfall, Tunakaramtai and Natemamu medicine ritual, are an initiation and purification bringing you closer to the medicines, the jungle and yourself. Ceremonies, dieta, medicine planting and cooking, sweatlodges, Chonta ritual, hiking, teachings and culture. Check out the program here! 

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Private retreats, ceremonies and therapies: Tepoztlán, Mexico
Ceremonies, Teachings & Therapies

Personalized retreat for specific health needs, specific medicine work or privacy, and small group retreats in a personal setting.  For intensified healings, dietas, ceremonies, physical therapies, sound healing, sweatlodge and Spa,  integration work and traditional teachings.


Ayamtai, home to Ancestral Culture and Medicine.
From the unity between our medicine families and our Mexican and Amazonian traditions, our home in Tepoztlán became a therapeutic, spiritual and intercultural space for knowledge, arts and healing. In the Shuar language, ayamtai means 'house, altar or temple of Arutam (God or Great Spirit), where 'the Spirit rests', and one seeks knowledge and vision, and remedies to heal, to strengthen, to cleanse. It's a sacred space of the Uwishín, a master in the arts and mysteries of the jungle, who with his ancestral plants, helps mediating between patient and spirits, through prayer, smoke and song, seeking the understanding and rebalancing of the health of a patient.
With our family and that of the Yankuam community in Ecuador we are servants of ancestral wisdom and healing.  Throughout the years, this ancestral and cultural Amazonian practice came to complement me, with Mexican traditional medicine, herbalism and ancestral spirituality, also integrating Andean, Vedic and European methods. Our humble healing space of traditional and multicultural medicines and arts took shape in Tepoztlán, México. My name is Mano Churuwia, traditional healer and founder of Ayamtai. 




: : Casa Ayamtai.  : :  Holistic Spa.ritual  : :
Traditional therapies: physical, spiritual and energetic healing

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Inipi, Ceremonial Sweatlodge

Sweating, breathing warm medicinal vapor, for cleansing and clarity, songs and prayers.

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Traditional Temazcal (stone built)

Sweating, breathing warm medicinal vapor, for cleansing and clarity, songs and prayers.

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Aromatherapy and Energy Cleansing

Energy cleansing with herbal smudging, flowered lotions, candles, songs and prayers

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Limpia and song healing

A 'limpia' (cleansing) and meditation after massage, with song & sound

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 ´Spa.ritual´ therapy space

Thermal therapies: Vaporizing, Sweating,
Infra-Red therapy, Cocoa and Warm Oils

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Sauna and Herbal Vapors

85ºC Heat, aloë, esencial oils, inhaling medicinal plants, with songs for healing

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Pool to cool and evaporate

Cooldown after sweatlodge or between sauna rounds, or at the waterfall in these mountains.

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Indian warm oil massage      

Revitalizing massage in warmed coconut oil,
lymphatic drainage, pain treatment

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Cocoa therapy       

Massage / treatment with organic cocoa and a ceremonial chocolate drink.

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Natural Extracts for Lotions

Agua Florida and natural lotions with 100% natural plant and resin extracts.

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Ayamtai: Holistic Treatments and SPA.ritual 

Traditional Therapies for Healing, Reconnection, and Relaxation.

Casa Ayamtai (gallery)

Familia Ayamtai

Mano Churuwia

..Our Elders..

Custodians of Ancestral Medicines, traditions, plants, arts, wisdom and healing. 

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Taita Hilario Tíí Arutam Tuntiak, Uwishín
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Tata Juvenal, Curandero, Conchero
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Tata Ollin Yolotzin, Médico Tradicional
Apple Music

Click on the image above to go to Apple Music and buy this album

Album for sale:
"Natem / Voices of the Spirits"

"We are giving you the vibrations, sounds and voices of the spirits, we invoke, summon and thank the divine presence in each of the diverse forms of life, recognizing that we are one in Everything and that Everything gives us life."

From the Shuar community in the upper Amazon of Ecuador, Hilario Tuntiak Chiriap shares sacred songs called Anent, from the 'uwishín' shamanic tradition, in the ancestral Yaa-Chicham and Shuar-chicham languages. Ceremonial songs that are communicated from and to nature, Mother Earth, the birds, monkeys, the anaconda, the power plants, the thunder, rain and wind, the waterfalls and their spirits from which the knowledge of natem medicine comes: ayahuasca. Shuar instruments are played such as the Kaer, a two-string violin, and the tumank, a vocal bow. Also the shishin or wayra, a bouquet of bamboo leaves or chacapa, which is used as a rattle for singing and to fan patients when cleaning. The shishín conducts well the vibrations of air and water. Through songs, contact is made with the spirits of nature, to enchant them, make an alliance and seek a remedy.

* Rhythmic contribution, recording & production: Mano Churuwia.


Chaarpi Kakármarinjiai, Chichamruka, Ipiamtaiti, Tuke Arutma Kakarmarinjiai   
'My strength is Lightning, My Voice is Thunder.. ARUTAM,
Consciousness of the Light since inmemorable times' 
(Hilario Tíí Arutam Tuntiak Chiriap)

Shuar Waterfall Retreats in Ecuador (gallery)

Traditional Ceremony

The ceremony provides integral healing, it is a sacred space where the resources, arts and knowledge of ancestral medicine are applied. Herbal medicine, prayers, songs and aromas, the live song of the Amazon and Mexico, traditional instruments, they intensify the experience by sharpening the senses. The purpose is to find the balance between the internal and external, between the physical, mental and spiritual body and the awareness of self-healing power. A purification and cleansing during the nighttime, to awaken consciousness and vision, to strengthen spiritual and mental, physical and emotional health, to open up to the heart to re-connect to the forces of our natural origin and lineage. It´s a sacred celebration of Life and Spirit. 

Write to us: Questions y Participation


Thank you for this beautiful ceremony. I felt great confidence and very special to have my first experience here! For starters, the warm welcome in this warm family felt like coming home. The guidance and preparation were very pleasant and helped me feel comfortable towards the ceremony. I felt very safe and calm in the environment. I'm sure I will come back in the future. Thank you for this experience, a remembrance I will never ever forget! 


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From my arrival I felt very welcome with Mano. A calm and sweet man with an enormous passion for plant medicine. He made us feel trust and I felt very comfortable. The ceremony was prepared with a lot of care, and there was all the space for my needs. During the ceremony I felt safe, because he knew how to anticipate my needs and of the other participants. The musical accompaniment was like the cherrie on the pie. The medicine was very powerful and with great impact, and with Mano and Bárbara at my side I completely dared to dive in. Thanks to them it was an incredible journey. It gave me a lot of insights, and trust to stand even more in my own power. Also during the days after the contact with Mano helped to integrate the understandings. I would recommend a ceremony with Mano to any person who feels that calling. Thanks for this unforgettable journey and the beautiful connection!

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We had the privilege of experiencing our first plant medicine ceremony under the guidance of this amazing shaman and his collaborators.
Manos’s knowledge of plant medicine is remarkable and his dedication to the traditions for creating plant-medicine are unparalleled. He is instinctual in knowing his clients needs. We were fortunate to be able to receive an Ayurvedic hot oil massage. It was energizing, healing and cleansing and we both agreed that it was the best massage we have ever had in our lifetime.

Karina B. and Erin K.
Nurse and Medical Doctor
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Just Amazing
I don't know what I was expecting but my first experience with a Shaman was amazing. Mano and his wife are just a joy to be around they are so warm and inviting. They really made my retreat even that much better. Their music and guidance was everything.

May 03 2023
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Mano is the Best!
We had the opportunity work with Mano in Tepoztlan at Ayahuasca retreat. Mano is great Shaman with mind full of wisdom and heart full of compassion. It was out absolute pleasure to see him perform ceremonies. He created an awesome environment for us in Tamazcal (Sweat Lodge). Thank you Mano from Arsh and I

Oct 12, 2022 
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Authentic AF!
Mano's guidance, support and creativity were inspirational and helped create a ceremonial space where the magic can happen and does. His knowledge and confidence as a practitioner are evident and aid in his ability to guide you in on your Ayahuasca journey. Mano is an authentic and special practitioner who I feel so honored to have met him! Can't wait to go to another one of his ceremonies.

Sep 14, 2022
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If plant medicine is calling you I would definitely recommend experiencing a ceremony with Mano. We stayed with him in his house for 3 nights, I couldn't have felt more welcome. Mano's hospitality was excellent, we were even spoiled with home made bread.
Before the ceremony we were able to ask out questions so we felt completely comfortable going in to the ceremony.
Mano made me feel at ease, during the ceremony he paid attention and gave the support that was necessary. Also he made it feel completely authentic with beautiful background stories and making music with his amazing instruments.
The day after the ceremony I booked a massage and sauna which felt amazing with the medicine still present.
I would highly recommend this complete experience!

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Thank you to everyone at Amatlán for the hospitality we experienced as a group. We felt welcomed, not only, into the center but the culture as well. The mountains and scenery around was beyond grounding while we created a safe container to try new things together. Mano and Barbara were especially equipped to guide us through long nights together in ceremony and workshops where we learned how to make drums, to sing, all the way to traditions behind some indigenous cultures. What a beautiful experience I will carry into my everyday. Much gratitude.

Teachings Retreat participant
Oct. 2023
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To be with Mano in ceremony from the moment we started to work together it has been an amazing experience. The way how he preserve the culture of the custodians of this medicine, makes me feel as if I am working with the ancestors and the love that he shares in the ceremonies are unquestionable. Mano is a teacher and someone who devotes time towards the craft of caring for the medicine and the participants involved, I trust him to manage my journeys in a way that is filled with integrity and honesty. His years of experience makes the environment that is curated a therapeutic one. It’s a pleasure to journey with Mano

Rastafari Elder & Medicine Guide

© Copyright 2023 Ayamtai. Derechos Reservados.

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